Thursday, May 10, 2007


that you just really never know when you'll need something.

I've been giving oral interviews all day today. It's been exhausting. I realize it's difficult for the students as well, but as the professor you have to pay such close attention to what everyone is saying. You have 10 minutes with one student, a few minutes to regroup, and then you move on to the next. And I've been interviewing students from all of my different classes, with language levels ranging from elementary to advanced.

As you try to ascertain how well a student communicates, you try to give them an opportunity to elaborate about something they find interesting. In the course of the day, I've become something of an expert in World of Warcraft, among other things. And I have my brother to thank for the fact that I could carry on a reasonable conversation with students with a Level 70 Gnome Mage and a Human Warrrior who carries a Claymore.

But then I had the student whose favorite sport is Basketball and whose favorite team is the Phoenix Suns, whom he deems to be the best team out there. Thanks to Arizona, I was able to carry on a reasonably informed conversation about the subtleties of the Suns v. Spurs match up and Nash v. Duncan, among other things.

... go figure.

1 comment:

Richard said...

WoW is evil it saps the strength from normal humans ;) The new addiction which is not yet a regulated substance. What to do if you do not want interpersonal relationships ;)