Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the world around us

Based on my current lifestyle, I emit approximately 12,409 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.

What's your number?

Addendum: I fly to Europe once or twice a year (twice this year) and to Austin, Texas 2 or 3 times a year (twice already this year). I have no idea how much each of those flights adds to my number, but they add quite a bit. And in August I'll also be flying to Hong Kong and back. Any ideas how much that adds?

Addendum 2: I went to Erase My Footprint to get information about my flights. I used "European flights" as the equivalent of my flights to Austin and "Long Haul flights" for the others. They calculated that I emit 3.072 tons of CO2 for the flights. It would take 6 trees to erase my CO2 output, for the flights alone. I'll go back and calculate the other, but right now I don't have time to gather the amount of electricity and natural gas I use over the course of a year.


Annette said...

Does that include the impact of your flights to Europe, Asia, and Texas? I am not judging, I just think your footprint might be bigger than you think. :)

texasinafrica said...

Maybe she's buying offsets. :)

Wes said...

Tried eating less beans?

/sorry for being crude, couldn't resist.

Angela said...

WES! And as to the other two ... no, I should really take those into account. Texas, did you count them in YOUR number?


texasinafrica said...

Nope. Sure didn't. There are other carbon tests online that account for your flights.