Sunday, May 20, 2007

what it's all about...

It's about sitting on the couch with nothing to say, really, but just being together and reflecting on life and friendship, communion and community.

It's about sharing fries at Hyde Park Grill -- not too many, but enough; because they're the best fries in town. And having the space and the freedom to just be open and be real, and share what's in your heart, the good and the bad, a friend to share the journey.

It's about lying in the green grass, staring up at the stars and listening to the music that moves you, surrounded by a multitude, remarkable in the fearless way they share who they are with strangers (fun fashion choices). It's the old couple holding hands, gently dancing to Delbert McClinton and Bonnie Raitt, and the remarkable Kris Kristofferson.

It's hearing Bonnie Raitt and Ruthie Foster sing "Angel from Montgomery" in memory of Molly Ivins.

It's the humbling and powerful reminder that Christ comes to find us in the midst of the garbage we climb into, and that God is both the journey and the journey's end...

... and the One who graciously blesses us with friends to be with along the way.


Annette said...

Someone is feeling a tad bit nostalgic and mushy, no? :)

Hope you are having fun in Austin.

texasinafrica said...


It's also about zipping around town with the top down in a convertible or two, just being glad to be with an old friend.

Angela said...

I'm not old!! =)