Friday, June 08, 2007

And in Germany

The annual "Kirchentag" (Church Meeting -- an annual convention of Protestant churches from around the world) took place in Cologne this week, running concurrently with the G8 summit.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke to a crowd of young people, and was greeted like a rockstar. He told them "Ich bin Afrikaner - und ich bin euer Bruder" (I am an African, and I am your brother.)

Among other things, the relationship between Muslims and Protestants in Germany was discussed. Ayyub Axel Köhler, representative for Muslims in Germany, charged Wolfgang Huber, leader of Protestant Churches in Germany (EKD) with creating an atmosphere of "Islamophobia".

1 comment:

Bob Ferguson said...

Thank you for this informative post. I think some of our evangelical Xtn friends here might find it unbelievable that so many Christians would assemble in Germany. Everyone knows that there are no "real" Christians living in Europe.