Monday, June 25, 2007

This blog is rated...

Online Dating

because I used the words "sex", "dead" and "gay". Not in the same post, I'm pretty sure :).

If you'd like to know what YOUR blog is rated, go here. Brian Kaylor helpfully pointed out that Albert Mohler (of SBC fame...) received an "NC-17" rating.

Addendum: I'm a little embarrassed to note that after checking the blogs of my family and friends, mine has the worst rating. Everyone else is rated "G"! Good grief... Well, maybe this means more of you will read mine now, looking out for the occasional saucy bits :).

Addendum 2: Wes has very nicely pointed out that I have been demoted to "R". Please watch over your children accordingly...


Triviales Wissen said...

Well, apparently, talking about buying penises on Second Life didn't rank me below a G. Maybe if I used the actual F-word instead of the Battlestar Galactica version or didn't resort to German, I'd be down in PG-13 territory with ya ;-)

Of course, posting more frequently might help me there, too...

Angela said...

The Battlestar Gallactica version? HA! Yep, I guess you're not quite as bad as me...

I'm not going to argue against more posts!! I love reading what other people have to say.

Wes said...

Ha ha... by repeating the words "sex" "dead" and "gay" again in this post you bumped yourself down to "R!"

I hope you are checking IDs!