Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Bamberg sights

Gloria Dei rose


Anonymous said...

I read that Bob Herbert piece myself....makes you ache doesn't it? My trips abroad have led to the following dialogue over & again.."Are you American?" "Yes?" "Do you like George Bush?" "No"..."oh, we love Americans but do not like your President!"...Yeah, me too...

The pics are kind to your imperfect dissertaion self, Flaubert!

Annette said...

Your pictures are lovely.

Fortunately, not too many people bring up George Bush to me around here. Only every now and then...especially when I mention that I lived in Texas before moving to Hong Kong.

In addition, I would like to add that you are a blog copier!! I suppose it is the sincerest form of flattery that you are trying to be more like me :).

Now, go work on your dissertation.